To establish a Sustainable Development diagnostic and to set goals, the service includes advice on the choice of indicators in the following 8 areas:
Waste Management
Equipment and materials
Food Services
Transportation and
The service also includes Action Plan Elaboration
Support during the implementation including eco-purchasing, production and presentation of reports following international norms, choice of partners in the community and presentation of initiatives to all parties (clients, suppliers, governmental entities etc).

Welltower Inc., an important company in the industry, has been using the Global Reporting Initiative since 2012. The 2017 Corporate Social Responsibility Report can be found on their website with the following citation
The biggest opportunity presented by climate change is changing consumer preference. We expect there to be a demand for energy-efficient and sustainable seniors housing and outpatient medical properties in the future. By owning and operating efficient properties, upgrading to the latest technologies, and pursuing green building certifications for eligible properties, we hope to position ourselves to take advantage of this trend.
For additional information, please contact us